TGS-Plus System

This is an advanced TGS-Plus System which allows a interpreter to conduct simultaneous interpretation during meetings and walking tours of facilities requiring an easy to use battery operated solution.


Ideal for:
Schools | Churches | Tours | Buses |

Prices start at $175.00


A revolutionary complete battery-powered system that is cost effective and easy to use.

Why Use Monitoring Equipment?
Simultaneous interpretation requires the use of MONITORING EQUIPMENT for any size meeting. Monitoring is the ability to provide
the interpreter a feed of the presenter’s voice directly into the interpreter’s headset in such a way that your interpreters can hear
far more accurately as compared to listening naked-ear. For best performance proper monitoring is essential for best quality interpretation.

  • Recommended Configuration (shown above)
    1 - Wireless Monitoring System
    1 - Headset Microphone
    1 - Wireless Transmitter
    10 -Receivers & Headsets
    1 - Rolling Carrying Case
    24 -AA Batteries

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Rental Request Quote for a TGS PRO737 SYSTEM

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  • Additional Information

  • Add Ons

    Depending on your needs LexiconUSA offers the following services at an additional cost.
  • Push-to-Talk Microphones?
  • Need a PA System?
  • Need Audio Taping?
  • Web-casting or Broadcasting?
  • Does the Floor Language Change?
  • How Did You Find LexiconUSA?

  • Check All That Apply
  • *By submitting this form you agree with the LexiconUSA policies as stated in our Terms and Conditions